Hearing Associates of Libertyville, IL

Man with hearing loss looks concerned but won't get hearing aids.

Inability to hear is not the only effect of hearing loss, it can also have a serious impact on your life. The loss of your hearing can easily impede daily activities and can stress relationships.

A survey carried out by AARP found that neglected hearing loss had a more significant impact on quality of life than:

  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes

There are many people who don’t seek help with their hearing loss despite the fact that it gets in the way of their lives. Many people who have loss of hearing avoid getting help because they think that there is a stigma attached to hearing loss, according to researchers. People are afraid they will be treated differently if people know they are suffering from hearing loss. An altered self image can be formed as a result of this perception, impacting the young and the old.

Many Other People Also Have Hearing Loss

These days, people live longer, that means there are more individuals around with hearing loss, too, even though it doesn’t just affect seniors. The World Health Organization reports that over 1.1 billion people are at risk of hearing loss and the perceptions that come along with it, many of them young adults. Hearing loss is, as a matter of fact, one of a young adult’s biggest health threats. Persistent resistance to getting help continues while the amount of people who suffer from hearing loss increases. How does this impact one’s overall health?

How Is Hearing Loss Perceived?

By definition, stigma is a brand that marks somebody as inferior and that more or less says it all. The concern for many people who suffer from hearing loss is that they will appear less capable, older, and possibly less healthy.

Historically, there is some basis for this concern. A 2010 study revealed people were not as well accepted when they suffered from hearing loss. But that study uses data nearly 10 years old. This perception is changing as hearing loss is becoming more prevalent. Hearing loss technology is becoming Stylish, fun, and cutting edge. Even celebrities are visibly wearing hearing aids. And helping to change hearts and minds, research reveals that getting treatment might delay or prevent other health problems connected to aging like cognitive decline and dementia. Some people still don’t get help in spite of this research.

What Difference Does it Make?

Don’t let your fear of negative perception keep you from seeking help or you may suffer long-term health consequences. More people get colonoscopies than hearing tests according to an AARP survey. Not having a hearing test because you won’t acknowledge your hearing loss will impact your health as you get older.

Consequences of Undiagnosed or Untreated Hearing Loss

These physical consequences of not dealing with your hearing loss will impact your general health;


Everything in life is more laborious when you are struggling to hear. Just attempting to hear conversations and normal sounds is hard work. Because you can’t hear traffic or a person walking up behind you, you have to put more energy into keeping safe as well. All that extra energy you put into everyday tasks will lead to chronic fatigue.


Headaches and even migraines can be caused by stress and tension. You might not recognize there is a connection, but studies have revealed a link between migraines and certain types of hearing loss. Your brain needs to compensate for what you can’t hear, so even if you’re not prone to migraines, the extra effort can make your headache.

Mental Health

Anxiety and depression are some mental health issues you could possibly also end up facing as a consequence of untreated loss of hearing. Hearing loss can lead to dementia and often causes social isolation. You will have less energy and will be moodier if you have these other challenges.

Surmounting Negative Perceptions of Hearing Loss

Taking the first step and seek out help if you want to conquer these negative perceptions. If you are losing your hearing, it is treatable. If you choose not to get treatment, you should realize that you are the one who suffers.

You also may be stressing out over nothing because not all hearing loss is permanent. common earwax buildup can cause loss of hearing, but you won’t know for sure unless you make an appointment to have your hearing checked.

If it turns out you do have hearing loss, do something about it. Nowadays hearing aids come in many shapes and sizes. If you don’t want others to be aware of your condition, then get a device that is less visible.

You can prove everyone wrong if you handle your hearing loss in the right way. You can wear your hearing aids with confidence because when you can hear, you will be just as active and healthy as anyone else. Everyone who experiences hearing loss will also be benefited by your actions. Negative perceptions are social poisons so be strong and raise awareness to change them.

You don’t have to be less able if you have hearing loss, because it’s actually a medical condition. So see a hearing professional for a hearing exam right away.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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