Hearing Associates of Libertyville, IL

Woman enjoying a hike with friends because she can hear them.

We typically don’t appreciate how essential our sense of hearing is until it’s too late. Socially, mentally and physically, our lives are improved with good hearing. You might not even realize how much you’re jeopardizing your general health if you’re not protecting your hearing or ignoring your existing hearing impairment. Here are just a few of the numerous advantages of healthy hearing:

Enhanced Physical Health

According to a survey conducted by Hear The World Foundation, 21 percent of participants confirmed exercising more frequently after getting hearing aids. Additionally, 34 percent of participants with hearing aids reported they were participating in sports activities at least once every week.

Improved Mental Health

Clinical depression, along with the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s have been connected to hearing loss according to researchers at Johns Hopkins. Fortunately, the use of hearing aids has been shown to help reverse or prevent many of these issues.

Improved Relationships

When you’re in a relationship, nothing is more essential than communication. This is especially true with friends and family. Frustration, miscommunication, and ill will can result from hearing impairment. When you’re in public places that have a lot of background noise, wearing hearing aids will allow you to continue to participate in conversations.

Improved Mental Abilities

A study released in 2016 revealed that hearing aids can improve brain function in people with hearing loss. Cognition is disrupted by hearing loss as the brain makes use of extra resources trying to hear and understand.

Less Tinnitus Symptoms

People who experience hearing impairment will be able to hear sounds they previously couldn’t when they wear hearing aids. Tinnitus symptoms can be masked by a hearing aid’s ability to boost stimulation between the brain and auditory pathways. Hearing aids also feature volume controls that allow the wearer to effectively mask tinnitus sounds.

Reduced Fatigue

Anxiety, tiredness, and exhaustion can be the result when you need to use extra energy to hear and comprehend what people are saying. Hearing aids not only help you hear and communicate more effectively, but they also help you conserve energy by exerting less effort when listening.

Greater Safety

Better hearing ensures you will be able to respond to important sounds and noises that take place in your daily life. Using hearing aids ensures you can hear alarms, sirens, cell phones, doorbells, and car horns, in addition to other traffic noises that indicate approaching vehicles.

Fewer Headaches

If you suffer from tinnitus, the condition could cause you to have headaches or even migraines which then can amplify tinnitus noises. Wearing hearing aids can reduce the symptoms of tinnitus, and thus minimize the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines.

Clearer Speech

Young children who are still developing early language skills need to have any hearing concerns addressed as soon as possible. There might be fluid inside of the child’s inner middle ears canal which may require a tube to be surgically implanted for drainage. For more severe conditions, children could be fitted with hearing aids to enhance their hearing and ensure they’re learning to talk clearly and precisely.

Even adults articulate and communicate better when they have clear hearing.

Improved Workplace Confidence

If you’re going to accomplish your everyday work responsibilities competently, you need to be able to hear. Not being able to hear critical conversations with your coworkers can result in misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and tasks going unfinished. The use of hearing aids can help you avoid these problems, and allow you to have greater pride and fulfillment in your career. Improved communication skills will make your relationship with your coworkers smoother also.

If you suspect you’re suffering from hearing loss and are fed up with missing important conversations, you should get in touch with a hearing professional in your area immediately. They can help you decide if hearing aids will help you hear better and improve your overall health.

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